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Your own Stem Cells Heals Your own Body

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USA Doctor Recommend Stem Cell Nutrition

Doctors Recommend Stem Cell NutritionCliff Minter, DPMCliff Minter D.P.M. (retired) graduated from Illinois College of podiatric Medicine. He completed his surgical residency at the Hugar Surgery Center in the Hines Veteran Administration Hospital in Illinois before going into private practice in Ventura, CA. Dr Minter is a national and international speaker on the subject of business and nutritional products. Stem cells are the most powerful cells in the body. We know that stem cells, once they’re circulating in the bloodstream, will travel to any area of the body that has been compromised or damaged and turn into healthy cells. There have been controversial discussions about the new stem cells found in embryos, but the truth is that everyone has adult stem cells in their own bodies. We are all created from stem cells. As a child or a young adult, your body automatically releases stem cells whenever you injure yourself.That’s why you heal so fast when you are younger. After about age 35, we don’t heal as fast anymore, because the stem cells aren’t released the same way as when we were younger. Stem cell nutrition helps all of us heal our bodies. If you look at the New England Journal of Medicine, you’ll find that the number one indicator of a healthy heart is the number of stem cells circulating in the body. Stem cell nutrition is the organic and all-natural way to stimulate the bone marrow to release adult stem cells into the blood stream.By taking stem cell nutrition, you can maintain optimum health and aid your body in healing itself. It’s certainly a better way to recuperate from any illness than using prescription drugs, because even when a medication works, it can often be hard on your liver and the rest of your body. Stem cell nutrition has no negative side effects. This makes it a powerful approach to healing and good health in general. I found out about stem cell nutrition after someone asked for my opinion on it.I did some research and found it to be one of the greatest ways to slow down aging, we have. Aging is nothing more than the breaking down of cells. Stem cell nutrition combats that action. As cells break down, stem cells nutrition replaces them with healthy cells. This is the greatest, most natural anti-aging method I know. I was skeptical at first, but the results I’ve personally seen in people I’ve talked with have been wide-ranged. Lots of people have reported an increase in energy and better sleeping patterns.I’ve seen people with arthritis in various parts of their bodies, reverse the disease and people with Asthma end up with their lungs totally clear. One person that was on oxygen almost 24/7 is now totally off oxygen. Two ladies who suffered badly from PMS told me they were 100 percent symptom-free within weeks of starting the stem cell nutrition. Two people I know had “tennis elbow” which usually takes about six to nine months to heal. Within weeks of taking stem cell nutrition, both report their “tennis elbow” is gone. It makes sense, because stem cells go to what- ever area is compromised and turns it into healthy cells.I use stem cell nutrition as a preventative. I’ve noticed an increase in my energy level and an improved sleeping pattern. Stem cell nutrition has zero negative side effects, is very powerful and we know how it works. It’s good for children as well as adults. This is the best, most natural way I know to optimum health. If you want to use it for prevention, this is the best thing I know for staying healthy. And if you do have health challenges, it’s the best way I know of overcoming those and regaining optimum health. I recommend it to every body.Page 1 of 14Doctors testimonials personal experience and new hope for animals - Copy.doc

Cliff Minter,

Stem cells are the most powerful cells in the body. We know that stem cells, once they’re circulating in the bloodstream, will travel to any area of the body that has been compromised or damaged and turn into healthy cells. There have been controversial discussions about the new stem cells found in embryos, but the truth is that everyone has adult stem cells in their own bodies. We are all created from stem cells. As a child or a young adult, your body automatically releases stem cells whenever you injure yourself.

That’s why you heal so fast when you are younger. After about age 35, we don’t heal as fast anymore, because the stem cells aren’t released the same way as when we aere younger. Stem cell nutrition helps all of us heal our bodies. If you look at the New England Journal of Medicine, you’ll find that the number one indicator of a healthy heart is the number of stem cells circulating in the body. Stem cell nutrition is the organic and all-natural way to stimulate the bone marrow to release adult cells into the blood stream.

By taking stem cell nutrition, you can maintain optimum health and aid your body in healing itself. It’s certainly a better way to recuperate from any illness than using presciption drugs, because even when a medication works, it can often be hard on your liver and the rest of your body. Stem cell nutrition has no negative side effects. This makes it a powerful approach to healing and good health in general. I found out about stem cell nutrition after someone asked for my opinion on it.

I did some research and found it to be one of the greatest ways to slow down aging, we have. Aging is nothing more than the breaking down of cells. Stem cell nutrition combats that action. As cells break down, stem cell nutrition replaces them with healthy cells. This is the greatest, most natural anti-aging method I know. I was skeptical at first, but the results I’ve personally seen in people I’ve talked with have been wide-ranged. Lots of people have reported an increase in energy and better sleeping patterns.

I’ve seen people with Arthritis in various parts of their bodies, reverse the dease and people with Asthma end up with their lungs totally clear. One person that was on oxygen almost 24/7 is now totally off oxygen. Two ladies who suffered badly from PMS told me they were 100 percent symptom-free within weeks of starting the stem cell nutrition. Two people I know had “tennis elbow” which usually takes about six to nine months to heal. Within weeks of taking stem cell nutrition, both report their “tennis elbow” is gone. It makes sense, because stem cells go to whatever area is compromised and turns it into healthy cells.

I use stem cell nutrition as a preventative. I’ve noticed an increase in my energy level and an improved sleeping pattern. Stem cell nutrition has zero negative side effects, is very powerful and we know how it works. It’s good for children as well as adults. This is the best, most natural way I know to optimum health. If you want to use it for prevention, this is the best thing I know for staying healthy. And if you do have health challenges, it’s the best way I know of overcoming those and regaining optimum health.

I recommend it to every body.


















Peter Tarawa - Tikipunga

I had cancer removed from the left ear lobe internal ear canal 5 years ago. Then it was found after two operations were successful that I had cancer of the larynx four years ago. I had radiotherapy and was told it had cleared. Two years on my voice went croaky, and speech was hard, cancer check showed that the voice box was eaten away by cancer.

Four or five years ago I had to have my voice box totally removed (larangectomy) at the Whangarei Hospital. When all this happened I took 9 months to get well enough to go back to work. I lost a lot of weight, found it hard to eat normal meals, swallowing was hard, most food had to be pureed fine which I did not like. I was stomach sick most days and my bowel motion had a lot of gas release backside, also alot of mouth burping. Very uncomfortable most days but I managed to work full time on my job, machine operator same company 30 years McBreen Jenkins name changed to Transfield Services. I also have type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, sore joints, nearly had to wear diapers as I was moving towards being incontinent.

I started on Stem Cell Nutrition (Stemtech) SE2 November 12 2012. Only taking 2 tablets a day that week. After an injury at work, a mower picked up a copper wire which embedded in my right eyeball, I had an operation to remove the wire on November 8 2012. November 9 I was sent to Greenlane for treatment antibiotics first week then SE 2 start from then on till today. Now I have stemflo and SE2 x2 daily, everything is stable now.

I feel really good, eat well, gaining weight, no tummy disorder, type 2 diabetes stable blood sugar 4.1, 6.5, no joint pains, heaps of energy, sleep well, out all day enjoying my outdoor activities including fishing and travel. I am very hard to be caught at home. Out enjoying life, my eye injury is also healing ok but may have lens operation after 22.1.2013. Life is really for living and that is what I am doing.

Stemtech is something my family are wanting to get onto. They have seen me improve in not even two months. I really like my stemtech, its given me health improvement I never thought I would see. It is so easy you take control of your own life.




Peter Tarawa - Tikipunga

I had cancer removed from the left ear lobe internal ear canal 5 years ago. Then it was found after two operations were successful that I had cancer of the larynx four years ago. I had radiotherapy and was told it had cleared. Two years on my voice went croaky, and speech was hard, cancer check showed that the voice box was eaten away by cancer.

Four or five years ago I had to have my voice box totally removed (larangectomy) at the Whangarei Hospital. When all this happened I took 9 months to get well enough to go back to work. I lost a lot of weight, found it hard to eat normal meals, swallowing was hard, most food had to be pureed fine which I did not like. I was stomach sick most days and my bowel motion had a lot of gas release backside, also alot of mouth burping. Very uncomfortable most days but I managed to work full time on my job, machine operator same company 30 years McBreen Jenkins name changed to Transfield Services. I also have type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, sore joints, nearly had to wear diapers as I was moving towards being incontinent.

I started on Stem Cell Nutrition (Stemtech) SE2 November 12 2012. Only taking 2 tablets a day that week. After an injury at work, a mower picked up a copper wire which embedded in my right eyeball, I had an operation to remove the wire on November 8 2012. November 9 I was sent to Greenlane for treatment antibiotics first week then SE 2 start from then on till today. Now I have stemflo and SE2 x2 daily, everything is stable now.

I feel really good, eat well, gaining weight, no tummy disorder, type 2 diabetes stable blood sugar 4.1, 6.5, no joint pains, heaps of energy, sleep well, out all day enjoying my outdoor activities including fishing and travel. I am very hard to be caught at home. Out enjoying life, my eye injury is also healing ok but may have lens operation after 22.1.2013. Life is really for living and that is what I am doing.

Stemtech is something my family are wanting to get onto. They have seen me improve in not even two months. I really like my stemtech, its given me health improvement I never thought I would see. It is so easy you take control of your own life.



Roseanna Pope Martin - Kaikohe

Around 13 years ago, my family were told by the doctors "that i had not been expected to live". I had been in hospital for 9 days before a doctor was able to guess correctly and say that I had Steven Johnson's Syndrome. By that time i had lost my eye sight, lost my hearing, lost my hair, lost my fingerails and toe nails. I was unable to have clothing or blankets on me because the weight , was to heavy for my body, my skin and flesh would SLOSH OFF.

From all of that I have been left with glaucoma, blepharitis, neuropathy, diabetes, damage to my heart, lungs and kidneys.

Until I was introduced to Stem Cell Nutrition. I have suffered enormously with agonizing pain in my eyes, gums, hands and feet.

BUT now after 2 and a half months using Stem Cells Nutrition I no longer take Diabetes medication, AND I don't need a stent to be put in my heart, my hands have very little pain and I can work with them.



Anne Openshaw - Kerikeri

I am 72 years old and have lived with high blood pressure for 54 years and have suffered with arthritis in my thumb and hands for about 5 years and it was getting more painful than I could bear at times. Also, my kidneys were in a bad state and I had alot of pain from this and it was looking like I was moving towards being on a dailysis machine.

I started in June taking SE2 x 2 tablets in the morning, then 2 tablets in the afternoon and 3 tablets 1 x a day of Stemflo for 3 months. After the first night I woke up and found that both thumbs were pain free, also, when I went to the toilet I noticed a big change relating to my kidney function and that the pain was beginning to go away. Over the 3 month pe­riod I didn’t notice any other changes and thought that the products wasn’t working for me.

I went for a full blood test and when I went for the results the doctor said to me “what have you been doing?” I told her that I was taking Stem Cell Nutrition and she told me to keep going with it as my results were: blood pressure - normal, high cholestrol - normal, boarderline diabetes - normal, kidneys - normal. I have increased energy and overall I feel great.

It may seem for some like it’s doing nothing, but what it’s doing is helping your body heal your body.



Esther Munro - Kaikohe

I was introduced to the stem cell nutrition through a relative. From that point I read up on Parkinson’s and how stem cell medication could help my condition.

I started taking SE2 for a month, till I ran out then I rang to find out where to get another lot hence the arrival of Ian and Kelly Adams. I signed up straight away as I wanted my own business. They also gave me a SE2 and Stemflo to help with the circulation and for my blood, as I had run out and they wanted me to continue with the product without a break. I was taking it twice a day.

When the Team Builder Pack arrived I realized I could walk without my Stroller. I couldn’t believe it. The pack included (SE2 x2 + Stemflo + ST5 + Dermastem).

Then I decided to go and see my G.P and I mentioned the Stem Cell Nutrition, but nothing much was said about it, so halfway through December I saw my neurologist and she was amazed. I spent just under an hour with her and she said I was very lucky. She had heard of Stem Cell Nutrition and said what works for me may not necessarily work for others. But hey! I’m smiling it’s been nearly 5 months since I began taking the stem cell nutrition. I have added the ST5 and using it as a meal repacement as well, I know I have a long way to go.

I now drive and don’t need my husband assisted or driving for me anymore, my tremors are going away and the doctors have taken me off my meds. I have to thank my relation for introducing me to Stemtech and the Stem Cell Nutrition products.

Noho Ora mai


Roger Atkinson - Whangarei

I started using SE2 and after 2 months decided it wasn’t working for me, however I soon found that my arthritus was more noticeable than ever and my energy level was on empty. I decided to resume my SE2 and now my arthritus has gone and my energy level is on full.




I’m still amazed with what has happened to me in such a short time since I started my the stem cell



I have got my life back


I have got my life back


Kelly Adams - Kerikeri


Before – 145

Sept – 90kg


Four days later my customers were starting to comment on how well I was looking and that my eyes were bright and white. I was beginning to feel better each day.

I signed up as a distributor as I wanted to have my product at wholesale and wanted to share what was happening to me with family and friends and also my customers.

Once I started on all products: Stemflo, SE2 and ST5 this is when the amazing story really begins. In 5 months my body


had lost 55kg as well as type2 diabetes and high blood pressure are all normal. amazing!!! I have got my life back and I haven’t felt like this for over 27yrs.


With the weight loss (55kg April - September) I have found that I have no major saggy skin and I put it all down to the Stem Cell Nutrition. Thank you Stemtech!


I also use Dermastem for my skin and as a 50yr old I’m continually getting compliments on my skin and how firm and how great it looks. It is never to late to start and you will see the results for yourself, and so will your friends and family.



Kelly Adams - Kerikeri145kg90kg (and still losing)55kg Weight Loss in 5 Months plus No more Type2 Diabetes - No more High Blood Pressure

Before- 145kg145kg90kg (and still losing)55kg Weight Loss in 5 Months plus No more Type2 Diabetes - No more High Blood Pressure

September- 90kg